5K Run/2 Mile Walk Sponsor form
Saturday, June 29, 2019 @ 7:30 AM
The Mission At The Cross
(missionatthecross.com) will be holding its 7th Annual 5K Run/2 Mile Walk on Saturday, June 29, 2019 at 7:30 AM.
The Mission At The Cross is a recovery home and 12 month program for men struggling with addictions that provides food, shelter, clothing, medical assistance, daily Bible studies, classes and vo-tech training — free-of-charge — to those who are ready for real change.
In recognition of the hundreds of shattered lives that have been restored by the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ while at The Mission, we call this fundraiser the Restoration Run!
Every dollar that is given goes toward the restoration of more men, their lives and their families. Thank you for your generous support!
Event Title Sponsor: $2,500 & above
(Includes company banner, logo on back of t-shirt, inclusion on the PSA commercial that will air on television and logo on digital ads in Laurel.) Commitment required by May 31st to be included in commercial.
Titanium Sponsor: $1,500 – $2,499
(Includes company banner, logo on back of t-shirt and inclusion on the PSA commercial that will air on television.) Commitment required by May 31st to be included in commercial.
Platinum Sponsor: $1000 – $1,499
(Name on back of t-shirt, listing on banner and inclusion on PSA commercial that will air on television.) Commitment required by May 31st to be included in commercial.
Gold Sponsor: $500 – $999
(Name on back of t-shirt and listing on banner.)
Silver Sponsor: $250 – $499
(Name on back of t-shirt)
Friend Of The Mission: $1 – $249
* Deadline to be displayed on back of t-shirt is June 21st*